Welcome to Year 4!
Staff: Mrs Vanderwal, Mrs Reed and Mrs Dean
In our class we grow and nurture kind, enthusiastic and resilient learners. We have the highest of expectations for our children and support them to achieve their very best. Our school values of “Respect, Ambition and Pride” permeate the classroom environment. We will be conscientious and respectful; ensuring that our role model behaviour inspires that of others. These attributes are vital for Year 5, Year 6, and adult life.
Year 4 is a fantastic year where children will continue to develop their passion for learning whilst being challenged and enthused. Throughout this year, the children will have the opportunity to learn how to play the guitar and perform in a musical concert. They will also have weekly swimming lessons until February half term and learn how to lead healthy lifestyles with the Blackpool FC Community Trust’s ‘Fit2Go’ programme as well as a visit from ‘Healthy Heads’ during the summer term.
This year, the children will grow in maturity-gaining a greater independence. Each child will become confident in their own abilities, witnessing their own potential! Through their strengths and achievements, the children will realise that mistakes are welcomed! All experts were once beginners! Your child will be encouraged to take control of their own learning, their personal learning styles and the tools that they require to succeed. They will present their very best work at all times; work that they are proud of! Year Four is also an important year regarding Times Tables. All of the children will take part in the Multiplication Test in June 2024. It is therefor imperative that you support us in helping your child to learn all multiplication facts to 12x12.
We have a broad and balanced curriculum, rich in creativity. All lessons are both challenging and engaging. We want our children to have the knowledge they need to succeed at high school and beyond but in addition to this, to have a real love of learning, to be intrinsically motivated, to achieve and believe that anything is possible! Progress is monitored constantly through the effective use of Assessment for Learning techniques.
Children are provided with Enrichment Experiences throughout the year which allows opportunities for children to explore the wider world around them. These experiences aim to show progressive skills from Nursery to Year 6. We utilise our Beach School status to ensure that the children have ample opportunities to visit the beach throughout the year, across all seasons.
We ensure that verbal and written feedback is provided and is meaningful to the child. We use “live marking” to ensure that children are aware of the feedback and that it is purposeful to them. Children are given “Fix It” time to amend any mistakes and respond to feedback. Children are also provided with regular “Gold Star” challenges to give them the opportunity to apply their learning in a variety of different contexts.
We have a reading rich curriculum. The children take part in daily reading lessons where pupils are immersed into the world of literature as well as reading class novels that link to the wider curriculum. The children have access to our extensive classroom library at all times and also visit the school library weekly. As teachers, we enjoy sharing enthralling texts that capture the imaginations of all children and adults alike!
How can I support my child’s learning at home?
Reading is the key to all learning! The single most important thing that you can do is read with your child read. Great readers make great writers because they are exposed to a greater variety of vocabulary, syntax, grammar and style. Reading is a perfect way to spend time with your child. This is the perfect excuse to curl up on the sofa, forget the chores, and read a good book yourself! Of course, children in Year 4 are perfectly capable of reading to themselves as well, and independent reading (and writing) must also be encouraged. However, it is important that the children are fluent and have an understanding of the text that they are reading and reading aloud is perfect for that.
Homework is set in the first week of each half term and is expected to be returned by the last week of half term. There are four different tasks set which embeds their learning from in school. To encourage and engage the children in cross curricular challenge, subject specific half termly homework is also set; the children can choose the challenges that they wish to complete. These tasks extend the learning taking place in the classroom. Creativity is encouraged!
Finally, always keep an eye on the school Facebook page and our Class Dojo page for updated photos and information on our learning journey through We look forward to supporting and encouraging your child’s amazing learning this year as well as being there to support you as parents too!
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Vanderwal, Mrs Reed and Mrs Waite
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Year 4 Curriculum Overview |