Grant information (3 - 4 year olds)
Promoting the 30 Hours Entitlement to Blackpool Families
Up to 15 hours – free of charge (every child is entitled to this 15 hours free through the 3 year old grant), or up to 30 hours, depending on eligibility.
Children must use the full 15 hour entitlement at this nursery, but may split the 30 hours with another provision.
Anything over 15 hours will be charged at a rate of £5.00 per hour, if not eligible for 30 hours free.
You access the three year old grant the term after your child turns three. If you wish for your child to start Nursery before they can access their funding, you can pay for the sessions once your child has turned three.
If you have any queries regarding the grant or start dates please do not hesitate to contact us at the Nursery.
Session Times & Nursery Fees
The session times and fees of the Pre-school Nursery are as follows:
8:45am - 11.45am (3 hours) - £15.00
12.15pm - 3.15pm (3 hours) - £15.00
8:45am - 3.15pm (6 hours 30 minutes) - £32.50
Fees per hour - £5.00
Fees per half hour - £2.50
If your child has a school dinner there will be an additional charge of £2
Your child is also able to access the breakfast club facilities which run from 7.30am – 9.00am and the after-school club facilities which run from 3.15pm – 5.30pm in The Hive. (See Before and After School Club page for prices and booking information).
Children staying for lunch can bring their own packed lunch or purchase school dinners at a cost of £2 per day
Payments for any hours over the 15 free hours will be made via our parent pay system. You will receive a log in username and password soon after your child starts at Nursery and a link can be found on our school website for more information. To ensure you do not accumulate debts please ensure that nursery fees are paid a week in advance.
Nursery Staff Information
Assistant Headteacher / Early Years lead - Miss Hazlewood
Nursery Manager - Miss S Holmes
Teaching Assistants (Pre-school) - Miss Hammond, Miss Smart, Miss Chilton
Teaching Assistants (Key workers for 2 Year Olds) - Mrs McMillan, Mrs Bailey
Nursery Accounts - Mrs J Kellett
Other members of the Foundation Stage team work with the children in our nursery. Your child will be cared for by a qualified Nursery Manager and a Nursery Nurse/Teaching Assistant up to NVQ level 3. At lunchtimes your child will work with familiar staff along with some of the Foundation Stage Unit Staff.
Key Worker
At Westcliff Nursery we operate a Key Worker system. Your child will be allocated a Key Worker and they will work closely with your child and yourselves as families, as will all other staff in the Foundation Stage Unit. Miss Holmes is the lead key person for all children and will oversee all of the children’s learning, development and progress. Our Foundation Stage team do work very closely together for the benefit of all children, and so, if you have any concerns or queries please speak to any member of our team.
Snack and Drinks
Fruit and Milk/Water is available for your child throughout the day or at snack time. Children are encouraged to lead healthy lifestyles and try a range of different healthy foods.
Two Year Old Provision
Children are provided with a warm and nurturing environment, where they are encouraged to explore the different areas and learn new skills. Our 2-3 year old provision is led by a highly qualified member of staff, Mrs McMillan, who is supported by a team of experienced practitioners. The two year old children learn alongside the preschool children in the Nursery classroom and have access to a quiet area which is used for stories, songs and nap times. As children attend full days, the quiet area is changed into an afternoon sleeping area for any children who still need a sleep.
2 Year Old Funded Places
We offer places for children aged 2-3 years who qualify for free 2 year old funding. If you are eligible, your child would be entitled to receive 15 hours free Nursery provision in the school term after their 2nd birthday. To find out whether your child is eligible please visit the children and families information service page to find a list of qualifying criteria.
Session Times & Nursery Fees
The session times and fees of the 2 year olds Nursery are as follows:
8:45am - 11.45am (3 hours) - £18.00
12.15pm - 3.15pm (3 hours) - £18.00
8:45am - 3.15pm (6 hours 30 minutes) - £39.00
Fees per hour - £6.00
Fees per half hour - £3.00
Blackpool Council Free Childcare website
How do I apply?
You can ring the childcare information team on 01253 477854 or alternatively fill in an online form at Blackpool application form for 2 year old grant
Charged Nursery Sessions
The Nursery also offers payable sessions for children 2-3 years old if the child does not qualify for 2 Year Old Funding. These sessions are offered on a full day rate of £36.00 for 8.45 am - 3.15 pm or £6 per hour.
We also offer wrap around care from 7.30am - 5.30pm through the HIVE. You can access information about this on our website or by calling the school office.
Waiting List
Our 2-3 year old places are extremely popular and there may be a wait for places. If you are interested in your child attending then please contact us to put your child’s name down on the waiting list and we will contact you nearer the time when your child is due to start for you to have a look around and to confirm the hours you may need.
Settling into Nursery life
Making sure your child is happy and settled at Nursery is very important to us, we know that children only learn when they feel happy and so time spent on settling in is time-well invested for your child’s security and confidence.
Starting School
Some children will confidently walk into Nursery without any support, some will take longer to settle in and may be initially upset… all children are unique, individual and we will work together to make it a smooth process. If your child is upset of course you are very welcome to stay for as long as you and the staff feel is necessary. Once your child is settled, a quick, definite “goodbye” is best, with the reassurance that you will be back soon to see what they have been doing and an explanation of what you will be doing while they are at Westcliff. If your child is upset when you leave, you are always welcome to ring school and find out how they are.
Two Year Old Checks
It is a requirement for us to provide you with a short written summary of your child’s development when they are between 24 and 36 months old.
This will focus on the three prime areas of the EYFS:
Personal, social and emotional development
Communication and language
Physical development
We want to work with you to support your child’s development at every age and this progress check is just another part of this process. Your child’s key workers will be completing the check.
At the two year old check your child’s key worker will:
Review your child’s development, identify their strengths and see if they need extra support in any areas
Make sure that you understand your child’s development and that we know about their interests and needs so we can support them
Help you to support your child’s development at home
Agree how we can work together to support your child’s development including how we work with other health professionals if necessary.
The progress check at age two is different to the NHS health check (sometimes called a development review) and both checks are important. The health visitor will often contact us to discuss children who attend our Nursery so we can all work together to support children at this critical milestone.
Three Year Old Provision
Grant information
Promoting the 30 Hours Entitlement to Blackpool Families
Up to 15 hours – free of charge (every child is entitled to this 15 hours free through the 3 year old grant), or up to 30 hours, depending on eligibility.
Children must use the full 15 hour entitlement at this nursery, but may split the 30 hours with another provision.
Anything over 15 hours will be charged at a rate of £5.00 per hour, if not eligible for 30 hours free.
You access the three year old grant the term after your child turns three. If you wish for your child to start Nursery before they can access their funding, you can pay for the sessions once your child has turned three.
If you have any queries regarding the grant or start dates please do not hesitate to contact us at the Nursery.
Three year olds are expected to wear our uniform. Please ensure all items are named.
Basic Uniform
White polo shirt
Blue Zoodie (These can be purchased from Bispham Clothing shop)
Black flat pumps / velcro trainers
White/Grey socks or tights.
-Blue and white gingham summer dress (optional)
Outdoor wear
A coat or jacket suitable for the weather. Children can also bring in a pair of Wellies to leave at school for wet weather as they access the outdoor provision in all weather. When the weather gets warmer your child can bring a sun hat into school. The staff in Nursery cannot put sun cream on your child at school, however you can use a 12 hour suncream and apply this in the morning before Nursery.
Please provide your child with a Westcliff school bookbag. These can be purchased from Bispham Clothing. Please send this bag into Nursery everyday so that letters, paintings and important information may be sent home.
Parental Involvement
At Westcliff Primary Academy we feel that parental involvement and interest is vital to the progress of the children. We encourage staff, parents and carers to work together to help children develop to their full potential.
You are the expert on your child, and sharing information with us about your child’s learning, development and interests will enable us to tailor the experiences we provide to suit your child and their individual interests and needs. Please let us know if your child has any achievements we can celebrate together by filling out a Wow moment (which you will receive when your child starts Nursery).
We also share learning and development at our Family Fun sessions where parents are invited to come in and experience their child’s normal nursery day and see what they enjoy doing most. At these sessions, you will have the opportunity to talk to the Staff who work with your child and discuss their progress and development. We also regularly send home letters, books and newsletters to share information as well as staff being available each day for informal chats. Should you require time with staff to discuss anything in private, please contact the school office to make an appointment.
We use Class Dojo to collect evidence of your child’s achievements and we can now send snapshots of significant achievements. You also have the opportunity to reply to these observations sharing your thought, observations and discussion.
Equal Opportunities
We offer every child and parent the same opportunities irrespective of their age, culture, gender and social background. All children are treated with respect and kindness.
Three year old Nursery children should be toilet trained, however we are more than happy to support you with this. If your child is not yet toilet trained and you would like some support with this then please do contact a member of the Nursery team.
- Admission to the Nursery currently does not give an automatic right to transfer into the primary school.
- The Nursery staff will contact you near the time of your child’s start date to arrange two taster sessions.
- 1 month’s written notice is required if you wish to reduce your child’s hours. We request a half term’s notice to change sessions.
- Payment must be made in advance, either weekly/monthly/termly by the ‘Parent Pay’ system.
Fees are non-refundable. Any holidays taken during term time must be paid for.