Why do we teach mathematics?
Mathematics introduces children to concepts, skills and thinking strategies that are essential in everyday life and helps support learning across the curriculum. Mathematics offers children a powerful way of communicating. They learn to explore and explain their ideas using symbols, diagrams and spoken and written language. Studying mathematics stimulates curiosity, fosters creativity and equips children with the skills they need in life beyond school.

How do we deliver maths in school?

We believe that ALL pupils should become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics.  The National Curriculum talks about ‘Mastery’. We believe that this defines a child who can use mathematics across the curriculum, use maths confidently and be able to explain what they are doing to somebody else. We follow the "White Rose Maths Mastery' approach throughout school. We start with fluency (the ability to answer calculations, out of context) and then move onto problem solving and reasoning - applying our fluency knowledge, in context, to help the children develop their critical thinking skills in real-life situations. 

During the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, mathematics forms part of many interactive learning experiences. Pupils develop their knowledge and understanding of mathematics through play, exploration and discussion across a range of topics. 

During Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, all children work towards mastery. We believe in the ‘concrete-pictorial-abstract’ approach to mathematics where the children are able to understand not only how to calculate and solve problems correctly, but to understand the underlying mechanics behind their solutions. Early on in their school journey, the children will make use of lots of concrete resources, such as cubes, diennes and ten frames. As they continue to make progress through school, the goal at the end of Key Stage 2 is that all our children can solve problems using a range of abstract methods as they make the transition to high school and move onto the next step of their mathematical journey.

Everyone Can!
We buy into the philosophy that maths is for everyone - everyone can! As part of that belief, we ensure that no child is left behind, regardless of where they are in their learning journey. We also ensure that those children who are gifted and talented are offered a range of ‘Gold Challenges’ to develop their understanding of a concept even further, at greater depth and breadth.

‘Let’s Calculate’
All pupils start the day with a short, 'Let's Calculate' session, where the children practise and develop their ability to solve calculations. This helps to reinforce prior learning and ensures that all children are fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics as they make their way through key stages.

Assessments and Monitoring
Assessments take place at the end of every block of learning so that we can clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses of each child, helping to inform where the children may need more time or support covering a certain block of learning. Progress is monitored in termly target setting and Pupil Progress Meetings (PPM).

Please find our progression grids and calculation policy, by clicking on the links below:
Progression Grids 
Calculations Policy